Monday, July 27, 2015

strength in hard times

We all have our times in the sun, on the summit and at our best. During those times  we are at bliss.  We dance and laugh as there were no tomorrow.  But we have also our hard times.  Times in the valley, days in the wilderness, when our best laid plans  fall apart,  when someone  we love leave us or when our trusted friend betrayed us.  Life invites us in an entirely different direction.  To the untrained  eyes, these are "bad times", but to the warrior these are life's richest times of growth, opportunity and possibility.  This is the time where your faith will be tested.  The time where we don’t know whom to hold on but to God alone. The time when even the slightest ray of sun is like a wild fire to us. 

 I had a little conversation with my aunt today because   my mother informed me 2 weeks ago  that my cousin will have  to undergo operation because someone hit him in the eyes and which  might cause him to loss  his vision.  Work and personal things consumed me so much that I hadn't  the time to asked her or even send her comforting  message that everything will be alright,  just only now  at this very moment,  when I don’t know out of nowhere someone whispered  me to grab my phone and hit a  message for her.

I know how she feels, we are in the same situation, we are far from our family, far from those people who will truly understand what we're going  through.  It's hard to see your love one suffering from something that they don’t deserve.  It's hard to live each day knowing that you cannot do anything  to lessen their pain but to pray for them and begging God to open the gates  of heaven and  send miracle for them.  

Kneeling to pray is the only thing that keeps us strong.  Kneeling will allow us  to stand again and keep on holding the faith that someday everything will be fine again,  because   every difficulty of our life whether big or small , is something God  will use to produce more strength, faith and perseverance in us if we will let Him.  Kneeling to God assures us that we are not alone in this battle, we may be weak but we will come out again stronger and braver  than before. All our pain has a purpose and  definitely for our own good.

 Tomorrow will be a brand new day again.

But the Lord  stood with me and gave me strength .   2 Timothy 4:17