Wednesday, November 28, 2012


But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Phil. 4:19

In these difficult financial times, some of us of not most of us are facing loss of jobs, salary decrease, trouble paying debts, high interests on loans and credit card and troubles by uncertain times.

Often we may marvel or surprised at how those needs are met. God uses people and circumstances to provide for them when they least expected it.

Right now am in that situation. There was an expired card that I missed to renew and it incurred a big penalty and the company let me shoulder all the penalty. I was so sad when I learned that, knowing that it will be a big adjustment for me and lot of budget tightening  for  me to be done especially that there are so many expenses that I have to met at this time. And I don’t know how will I do that but I know and I believe I have a rich and big God who can able to supply all my needs.

As what He said in His word that even the bird of the air, they don’t sow or reap or store away in the barns and yet our Heavenly Father feeds them. Are we not more valuable than them? We are precious in God's sight , made according to His likeness and image and He promised several times that He will provide for us. He never let His children beg for bread. That's how God provide for our needs. Its more than what we need for. And I know that the God who helps me survive in this far away land for so many years is the same God who will help me to overcome this financial challenge am going through. After all He is richer than any riches man ever live and He owns everything more than our eyes can see.