Sunday, December 12, 2010


People making lists

Buying special gifts

It's a time to be kind

To one and all

It's that time of year

When good friends

Are dear

And you wish you

Could give more

Than just presents

From a store

December is considered as one of the most expensive, busiest and awaited month of the year. People from all walks of life take their  time to prepare something to give for their love ones, friends and relatives.

It is also the time of Christmas party and of course of exchanging gifts. I remember my good old school days, I'm not excited when it comes to exchanging gifts not because I don’t have gifts to bring with but because I'm expecting too much for what will I received and often times I received less of what I have been given.

As times goes by and as I reached adulthood I still have the same dilemma when it comes to exchange gifts. Until such time God changed my point of view. Thus when we give do not expect anything in return. For God loves a cheerful giver.

God himself gave us the most precious gift any mankind cannot afford to buy or have. He gave it free and it is the gift of salvation through His Son Jesus Christ. If we will look into our selve we are not worthy to received such gift yet God gives freely to us without expecting anything in return of same value and worth . We only need to accept and enjoy His gift.

Hope you already received God's gift to you and if not get hurry and take that gift.

For us a child is born,to us a son is given,and the government will be on his shoulders..And He will be called,Wonderful Counselor,Mighty God, Everlasting Father,Prince of peace...(Isaiah  9:6 )