Thursday, September 2, 2010


Date: August 30, 2010

Time: 9pm

Place : Qanat Casba Sharjah UAE

Its Teacher Irma's birthday, we had just finished our sumptuous dinner at Lemon grass and we really had a great time until…..

We are waiting for Teacher Agnes and Teacher Sharon to finish their inquiry at the Information counter about the free voucher that we received when the fountain invites me to play with.

But something happened, trying not to get wet I slipped on my feet and my slippers were stuck on the wire mesh I tried to get up but I already bruised my left knee. Like a wounded soldier I stand up, ignore the pain and continue to move on. Later on when I get home that's when I realized the pain my bruised knee brings.

It reminds me of the pains our Lord Jesus Christ endured when he was on his way to the Cross of Calvary. He doesn’t only endured the pain of bruised knees but also the pain of knowing that those people who had been with Him for three years, people whom received healing from Him, people whom He filled not only with physical food but with spiritual food as well are the same people who nailed Him down on the cross.

Every time I  looked at my bruised knee I'm glad that its just temporal. Sooner or later it will fade away, but the hurts and pains that our Savior experienced before will always remained as reminder to us of His great love that He will endure everything just to save us from hell.

But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. Isaiah 53:5