Thursday, May 5, 2011


When we said Mother’s day the first thing that will come out in our mind was the figure of this fragile woman whom because of her love for us risked her life just to bring us out here in the world. We showered  her with  gifts like flowers, perfume, card etc , may it be a simple or extra expensive one, just to show how much we care and appreciate her.

Mother’s day is not all about that. Our mother deserves much more than that . She deserves more than any material things here on earth. She deserves our love and affection. Our mother is the backbone of our family. She is the one who’s carry the greatest burden in life and much more in tune to what real life is all about. She thinks about her children day and night, she is the first to give praise to us and cheers with us in times of our achievements and triumphs and the one who comfort us when we are down and broken. She’s one who sense danger before it happens. She’s the one who carried us in her womb for 9 months and faced all the difficulties it brings. She risked her life for us. And until now she carries that burden in her heart.

Mother’s day comes and goes but the memories linger and remain. How many years we have been celebrating this occasion with all the glitz and glamour but after that we have taken her  again for granted. Don’t waste any opportunity to express your love to your mother before it’s too late. Don’t wait for another Mother’s day to say thank you for everything that she had done for you. We only have one mother and we cannot replace her anymore and for anything else.

Here’s my prayer for my mother and to all mothers who have also been a mother to me, that in their simple yet special ways touched my life, to all my friends who are mothers now..CARRY ON you have the greatest profession every girl dreamed of, and to those who have not been given the opportunity to carry their own child but had been one to those who are in need of a mother I really SALUTE you, you have shown an example of what a true mother should be. For being a mother does not depend on how many children you have been born but on how many children you have raised in your heart.

Heavenly Father thank you for this special gift of mother and for the unconditional love that she share with us, her children. Lord today I  pray that You will protect and guide every mother  where ever they are right now. May you grant them Your wisdom in loving and teaching their children. May we always remember the warm caresses, the whispers and lullabies at night. The tears dried, band aids, all the hugs, laughter and kisses. Thank you for our mothers who played with us, taught us, nurtured us, listen to us, tried to understand us and never stop praying for us. Today, Lord may we remember our mother’s beauty when we are young and her loveliness as we get aged. We also prayed for those mothers who have been separated from their children because of distance, death or any other reasons, may they find peace, pleasure and comfort with You. As we honored, commemorate or simply reflect today the life of a woman who raised us, we thank you Lord for the life and for MOM…..

God bless our moms…..