Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Now that Christmas is just around the corner, everybody's busy planning their Christmas celebration, which and what gift to buy, the list of food they will prefer on their table. Children busy practicing for their month long Christmas carol, the colorful Christmas lights and decoration and the cold breeze that greets you outside, it can't help but bring sadness in my heart. I really miss Christmas back home.

It's been my 4 years now that I'm away from home during Christmas season. Working in a land where Christmas is not in their list it is really hard, some Christmases I remember spend working. I can't be with my other fellow housemate to wait for midnight countdown because I have to  work next day. I really miss the festivities, the warm smile that never get tired to greet everyone, the happy faces of every child as they received their gifts from their ninongs and ninangs. The reunions and all family gatherings that unite and keep us together.

It is also one occasion where in forgiveness overflows where everyone is at peace with one another. It a time of year where their is no war, no rift, no violence. Peace is all the over the places. Love is all the around the corner. Love dwells in everyone.

Nothing really can beat how we Filipinos celebrate the most joyous occasions of all time. Though many things happen to our country we experienced so much disasters, storms, tragedies that almost bring us down as one nation as well as within ourselves as individual we have gone through many trying and difficult time in our life this year that tested our faith and our capacity as human being but it will not be the reason for us not to celebrate Christmas. That’s the Filipino spirit that I'm truly proud of. We never let circumstances hinders us from spreading the true spirit of Christmas.

Christmas is not in the place where you are but it is in the heart. For Christmas is all about God, all about His unconditional love for us that through His son Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour, who was born on a manger and died on the cross for the salvation of mankind. God's love that is beyond all understanding.

I may not be celebrating Christmas again the way it was used to be I may not be able to eat again bibingka, puto bungbong and the noche Buena but one thing is for sure, Kahit sang panig man ng mundo magninining ang Pinoy.

For Christmas is in the heart of every one who knew the truly meaning of it.

Isaiah 9:6 For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.