Friday, July 16, 2010


What is your greatest possession that you have right now that you cannot trade for? That is our lesson in our today's Friday School . I asked each student to write in a  3 piece of papers 3 things that they love. Their answers are expected like toys, gadgets, stuffed animals.. things that really childen loves. But what I am suprised is that when we trade those papers with one another..they are thinking  that we are really trading those things and it wont be with them anymore. They are sad...some feels bad..others said that they will do anything to return back what they lost.  They love so much that possessions and its hard for them to give it away for something that is of lesser value.

It is same with our life right now. We are clinging on our possessions that its hard for us to let go away. We are merely focused on earthly possessions and  we overlook the heavenly possessions that are waiting for us. As if our whole life depends on those earthly things. Dont we know that even God trade his greatest possession for us. Yes..his most ever possession..the only one He loves.  He trade His only begotten son for us. Without apprehension and without even thinking twice.

John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Because of  His great love for us He sacrifice Jesus for the salvation of mankind. He allows to be separated from His son just to save us all  from going to hell. And the only thing we have to do so is to accept JESUS as our LORD and Personal SAVIOUR.

So what you are waiting for....  accept now the trade that our heavenly Father is giving us....his JESUS.. and for sure  you will say...I get the best trade ever....


hello everybody..its been 2 days after my previous blog....been quite busy lately..i  miss blogging...its like everyday i want to post something..may it be from  my own experiences...from others or it maybe a forwarded messages only... I want you to be part of it...Now I would just like to share with you the lessons God reveal to me in our bible study  and I hope that you get also  something from it...Our study is in John is about Jesus feeding 5000 people and Jesus walks into the water..this miracle God performed during his time only evolves into one thing TRUST.. trust not to yourself.. nor to other people but to HIM alone..TRUST IN THE LORD..if we will based in our present time now the story of feeding the multitude with just only 5 small  barley loaves of bread and 2 small fish represents God's ability to supply all our daily  needs, He is our provider and He  alone can   sustain us. Just like what He did  with the Israelites during the time  they are on the wilderness God provide them manna and quail egg everyday without a miss. As it is stated in the Lord's Prayer..."Give us this day our daily bread....". And for sure God never fails us up to now..

Another miracle that shows our trust should be  on God alone is when Jesus walks into the water. A strong wind was blowing and the waters grew rough. saw Jesus approaching the boat, walking on the water; and they were terrified. John 6: 18-19. Often times when storms of life keep on crashing our first reaction is to get afraid.  Same with the apostles during that time when a strong wind was blowing and the waters grew rough they are terrified, They forgot that the One who created the heaven and the earth and even the raging sea is with them. They forgot that  JESUS is with them. They forgot to anchored  safely to the Rock  which cannot moved.

Let us be reminded that if our anchor  hold into  the storms of life, when clouds unfold their wing of strife. When the strong tides lift. Lets keep our anchor fastened, grounded firm and deeply attached  in His love. And for sure our storms will all be pass forevermore.

Have  a blessed Friday to all of us....