Thursday, October 14, 2010


As the sun going down again, and the moon is about to set in its place , another day has gone. Really time went so fast just like a snap of your finger. So how do you spend your day? Wisely? Or it's just another passing day same like the previous days of your life. Had a terrible day at work? Had fight with your colleague? Received an ear breaking shout from your boss? Did somebody treat you right? Or the other way around?. Did you finished the task assigned to you? Did a good job? Are you become a blessing to them? Did God reflect on you today? Or not even a shadow of Jesus seen on you today. Friends whatever been our situation today, did we take time to thank God for today? Did you even utter a whisper of thank you for all the things that HE done to you for the whole day may it be good or bad.?

As I walked home today I can’t help but awe on God’s faithfulness into my life. I may not be blessed with material wealth but the peace that God put into my heart is far more than any riches in the world. I maybe walking on a dark road same with what I’m walking now (literally) but I know that thousand of angels are surrounding me at the moment.

I might get stumbled on my way home due to the poor lighting but the light of God will be my guide to reached home safely.

Maybe some of us are now walking on the road of loneliness, frustration, confusion, problems and uncertainties. We may be stumble along the way, tip on our toes, we maybe fell down and bruised our selves but let us always put on our mind that Jesus is our light, He is our strength and He is our comforter in this dimly light world.

So no matter how good or how bad the outcome of your day, still He needs your thanksgiving after all He is all that matters.

As we lay down tonight let us be once again be reminded that life here on earth is just temporal and only those we did for Him will last.

A Blessed night to everyone. Have a peaceful rest. God bless us all

I will praise the LORD, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me.      Psalm 16:7

1 comment:

Sonny Hardman said...

Praise God for His wonderful gifts to us. It is worth returning back to Him what He has given us in praise. Continue to shine like a star Sis. All glory to Him alone.