Saturday, October 23, 2010


Since I was young my circle of friends are limited. I am not the 'MS. FRIENDSHIP' type of person, though I knew lots of people but only few of them knows the real me and yet through the years and in every stages of my life God send people  who will stood with me all the way and I thank God for that.

One of them is celebrating another year of God's faithfulness in her life and let me take this opportunity to let her know how thankful and blessed I am for the friendship we shared through out these years.

There's a lot of things to be thankful for yet let me give few of them.
  • thank you for being my mirror , seeing the good and bad in me yet still accepts me for who I am.
  • thank you for understanding my mood , you're there when am happy, when am sad and when am stubborn.
  • thank you for listening to all hopes, desires and even my frustrations and hang ups
  • thank you for sharing with me your ups and down, your victories, failures and even your secrets, you never failed to update me with your life.
  • thank you for being a sister to me, allowing me to be part of your family.
  • thank you for everthing you'd done for me, for being there all the time.
  • thank you for sharing your blessings to me in small and big ways, thats why God is blessing you more and more.
We may have each other differences, we may argue on some issues and we may fight over on something, distance will separate us but the friendship will stay strong till the end.

May prayer for you is that may God continue to work on you in His magnificient way.  May He blessed you with His outporing love and open the gates of heaven to shower you blessings far more than you hope and expected it to be.  I pray that our friendship grows more and more deeper and deeper and though we may separate ways and build a family we both dream of, may it still stand the test of time.

You're one of  the wonderful blessings  I received from God.

... A woman's heart is kind, wise, gentle, beautiful  and thats what makes you so wonderful...Wishing you an amazing HAPPY BIRTHDAY!..

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


For sure most of you will agree with me that going to hospital is one of the least place we want to be in Though I can stay there for few hours if necessary  I will stay only in one place  but roaming around like going from emergency room, to specialist, to xray room, to pharmacy is big NO to me especially if I will pass through a crowded hallway with sick people on both sides. Aside from that I really dont like the smell of antiseptic and all other hospital odors, it really makes me feel more sick than all the patients there.  Nurses and doctors to me are like enmeies, injection and pills are their weapon against me. 

So when Agnes keeps on vomitting  since Monday night  I dont have no choice but to bring her to the hospital, afraid that she will get dehydrated.

As we are entering....the chilly feeling engulfed me, good thing I bring on my jacket .  All the memories of Inay when she was still the hospital's favorite patient brings all back to me.  But God's grace and love comforted me.  I have to overcome my fear for the welfare of Agnes.  God makes everything easy for us, all the hospital personels assist us very well. 

 I would like also to give thanks to all who prayed and called us offering any help they can .  Truly we are not away from home. We still have our God's family to be there for us all the way especially during this time. 

Please continue praying for her as she still having slight dizziness but through God's grace and  mercy she will be completely healed.

I just pray flu will not attack me again......

Blessed day everyone... God bless us all.... 

For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.
Philippians 4:13

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Ayan ka n naman

Lulubog lilitaw

Minsan andyan minsan wala

Nakakahilo nakakaloko

Naisip mo na bang

Minsan naman mag seryoso

Sabihin na kung ano ang gusto

Nang di laging ganito

Ako'y di manghuhula

At lalong di mahilig sa mahika

Ako'y tao na may puso at damdamin

Nasasaktan at dumaraing

Iyo sanang maunawaan

Di lahat ng sandali

Akoy nariyan

Handang tumakbo pag iyong kailangan

Baka dumating ang sandali

Akoy mapagod at mapagal

Kahit anong hanap

Akoy hindi  na mahagilap

Habang maaga iyong isipin

Sa buhay ano ba ang ibig

Ito'y isiping mabuti

Nang sa huli'y di mag sisi

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Winter here in UAE is just around the corner, sooner or later we have to pull out from our closet our winter clothes, jackets, cardigans and pull overs and will be the official outfit for these coming months.

We can now walk to and from the house without getting sweat, humidity started to fall gradually, cool air greets you as you leave your flats especially during early morning and people started to spend their Thursday nights at park, corniche and beaches.

With all these weather changes so with my body resistance change.

Clogged nose, head ache, unstoppable sneezing, itchy throat, teary eyes….STRIKES AGAIN and as a friend said…ITS STRIKE AGAIN ON ITS FAVORITE VICTIM….well who else but ME

Lots of water, juices and enough sleep are just some of what my body needs right now to cope up with this changing weather.

As the bible said in 1 Corinthians 6:19 - Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; our body is God's holy temple and this is where His Holy Spirit dwells. And since it is not ours we should take an extra care for it so that when time comes that God asked us to return our borrowed body to Him we can proudly say that we done our job as His care taker.

Till next time my friends…I hope I spread to you the GOOD NEWS and not the VIRUS.


Thursday, October 14, 2010


As the sun going down again, and the moon is about to set in its place , another day has gone. Really time went so fast just like a snap of your finger. So how do you spend your day? Wisely? Or it's just another passing day same like the previous days of your life. Had a terrible day at work? Had fight with your colleague? Received an ear breaking shout from your boss? Did somebody treat you right? Or the other way around?. Did you finished the task assigned to you? Did a good job? Are you become a blessing to them? Did God reflect on you today? Or not even a shadow of Jesus seen on you today. Friends whatever been our situation today, did we take time to thank God for today? Did you even utter a whisper of thank you for all the things that HE done to you for the whole day may it be good or bad.?

As I walked home today I can’t help but awe on God’s faithfulness into my life. I may not be blessed with material wealth but the peace that God put into my heart is far more than any riches in the world. I maybe walking on a dark road same with what I’m walking now (literally) but I know that thousand of angels are surrounding me at the moment.

I might get stumbled on my way home due to the poor lighting but the light of God will be my guide to reached home safely.

Maybe some of us are now walking on the road of loneliness, frustration, confusion, problems and uncertainties. We may be stumble along the way, tip on our toes, we maybe fell down and bruised our selves but let us always put on our mind that Jesus is our light, He is our strength and He is our comforter in this dimly light world.

So no matter how good or how bad the outcome of your day, still He needs your thanksgiving after all He is all that matters.

As we lay down tonight let us be once again be reminded that life here on earth is just temporal and only those we did for Him will last.

A Blessed night to everyone. Have a peaceful rest. God bless us all

I will praise the LORD, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me.      Psalm 16:7

Thank GOD Its Thursday

Yeheeyy…its Thursday again. Last day of work for this week. Most of us are in week end mode now, thinking where to go after office, planning to have a great week end and mostly spend the whole night outside from mall to bar hopping, disco and non stop chatting and eating till the wee hours of morning.

But for me what I am looking forward during Thursday is that aside from I can stay on bed a little late the following day but also because Thursday is a day where in I can meet my Creator through our bible study, here we thoroughly dig His words, listen to each others ideas and point of view, sharing each others burdens and triumphs. Get in touch with each other lives and deepening our relationship not only with one another but also our relationship with God.

Thursday will not be same without  the bible study. It may sound weird to others but its already a way of life for me and I'm sure for everyone also in the group. Its just a matter of priority as we always  said. And if you know where your heart is there is no second thought of coming every week.

So I'm encouraging everyone to find a group in your church which you think will help you to grow more in your relationship with God. You will not only gain more friends but you will gain far more greater blessing from the Lord.  We may have each other differences but the love of God will bind us into one common purpose that is to lift His name on high.

See you later Thursday Group …..

sorry sa mga late at absent
-photo taken last  Oct. 07, 2010

Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
Hebrews 10:25

Monday, October 11, 2010


I had on new clothes,
New sneakers on my feet.
I was there for class on time,
Went to the back and took my seat.

Yeah, I'm moving up,
I'm already grown.
Soon I'll be graduating,
And out on my own..

I talked to some of my friends,
We were all having fun.
Said some things I shouldn't have said.
Did stuff I shouldn't have done.

I knew I was different..
I felt God touch my heart,
I knew I should set a standard,
But then I'd be set apart.
Walking to the bus, I was not looking for strength.
I heard the car tires screeching,
But now it's too late.

I'm standing in this room,
And I can see the heavenly gate..
Oh no! I never prayed.
I thought I had time to get it straight!

An angel walked to me,
He had a book in his hand.
I knew it was the Book of Life,
When would this dream end?

I told him my name,
And he began to look.
Then he looked at me sadly and said,
Your name is not in this book.

Angel, this is a dream,
No, I can't be dead!
He closed the book and turned away,
He whispered - You cannot
proceed ahead. this can't be real,
Angel, you can't turn me ! away.
Let me talk to God,
Maybe he'll let me stay.

He led me to the gate,
Jesus came to me.
He did not let me in but said,
Beloved what is your need?

Jesus, I cried, please,
Don't cast me away from you.
Tears ran down his face as he said,
You knew what you needed to do.
Lord, please I'm young,
I never thought I would die..
I thought I'd have plenty of time,
Death caught me by surprise.

Lord, I went to church,
Please Jesus, I believe.
He said you would not accept me,
My love you would not receive.

Lord, there were too manyhypocrites.
They weren't being true.

He took a step back and asked,
What does that have to do with you?

Lord, my family claimed to be saved,
They weren't real. You know.

He said, I died for you,
Now I have to go.

I fell to my knees crying to Him,
Lord, I planned to be real tomorrow.
I couldn't make Him understand,
I had never felt such sorrow.

Then it hit me hard, I said,
Lord, where will I go?

He looked into my eyes and said,
My child you already know.

Please Jesus, I begged,
The place is so hot.
It seemed to trouble and grieve him,


Lord, you're supposed to be love,
How can you send me to damnation?

He replied, With your mouth you said you loved me,
But each day you rejected my salvation.

With that in an instant,
Day turned into night.
I never knew such torture could be,
Now too late,

I know the Bible is right.
If I can tell you anything,
Hell has no age.

It is a place of torture,
Separated from God and full of rage.

You know, I thought it was funny, a joke,
But this one thing is true.

So please, ask Him into your heart

For he says, "In the time of my favor I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you."[a] I tell you, now is the time of God's favor, now is the day of salvation.
 2 Corinthians 2:6


Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Today is day of our beloved TEACHERS. Now is the time to thank them for all their love, devotion and passion in nurturing and teaching us not only how to read and write but as well as the values that we need to have. They are the who spent their whole life doing class records, lesson plans, checking test papers, and even sacrificing their own personal life in exchange of those students who are looking at them. A simple THANK YOU will somehow repay them in all their sacrifices.

Teachers are our second parents, we spend almost half of our waking hours with them. They teach us how to write, to read, to count and even how to take care of our self. They are the one who have the right to scold us aside from our parents when we did something wrong. They sometimes spank us or order us to stand with our face on the wall. We oftentimes get mad with them and sometimes utter bad words behind their back. But when we tried to look back and see whom and what we are right now, did we ever thank them for all the sacrifices that they done for us?.

But teachers are not only those who teach by profession but also those people who willingly share their wisdom and life experiences to us.
Our PARENTS are a considered to be our 1st teacher with them we first learn how to walk, to utter words and to reason out. Until now though we are already big and can decide for our self still they continue to teach and advise us. We may sometimes bit irritated but still parents knows best.

Our Sunday or Friday school teachers, they are our spiritual teachers, they are the one to teach us about God, about His unconditional love for us and about His word. The foundation of our faith is partly molded by them. We are eager to go to church every week not only because there will give us food but to hear their bible stories, recite memory verses and learn new songs. I really thank God for the life of all my Sunday school before. Thank you for your wisdom that you'd imparted to us. Thank you for showing to me the joy of serving these little ones. Now that I'm also part of the Children's Ministry, you are my inspiration to pass on to our future generation the greatest love of God to mankind.

It may not be a high salaried profession, may not received any acknowledgement or even a simple pat at the back. But seeing your students leading a life that pleases God and bring honor and pride to our country is much more worthy than those medals and awards that will soon be vanished.

I really salute you TEACHERS. With you we can assure that our country is leading on the right way.

The Story of Tommy

Tommy was a little crippled boy, whose mangled body lay almost helpless on a pitiful pallet by the third story window of an old rickety tenement on a busy street of a large city! He was so severely handicapped that all he could do was lie helplessly in bed.

One day Tommy asked a newsboy friend of his to bring him the book about “the Man who went about everywhere doing good.” The newsboy searched and searched for this unnamed book, until one book dealer finally realized that Tommy must have been talking about the Bible and the story of Jesus.

The newsboy scraped together what little money he had, and the kindly bookseller gave him a copy of the New Testament, which he took back to Tommy. The two boys began to read that book together, and after a time, Tommy understood the message of salvation it contained.

He received Jesus as his Savior and decided that he, too, wanted to do good like the wonderful Man in the book. But Tommy was crippled and could not even leave his little apartment, so he prayed and asked Jesus to show him what he could do, and the Lord gave him an idea.

Tommy began to copy helpful verses from the Bible onto little pieces of paper, which he would then drop from his window to flutter to the busy street below. Passers-by would see them drifting down and out of curiosity pick them up and read the words from the Man who went everywhere doing good — Jesus Christ.

Many were helped, encouraged, and comforted, and some were even saved through the simple ministry of this boy and his New Testament.

 One day a wealthy businessman found Jesus through reading the verse in one of Tommy’s little notes. He later returned to the spot where he had found the scrap of paper that had led him to the Lord, hoping to find some clue as to how it got there.

Then he noticed another little bit of paper floating down to the sidewalk. He watched as a poor, tired old woman stooped painfully to pick it up, and noticed her countenance brighten as she read it. There seemed to be new strength in her step as she journeyed on.

The businessman, now fixed to the spot, kept his eyes glued upward, determined to find the source. He had to wait a long time, for it took poor Tommy many painful minutes to scrawl even one verse on one of those pieces of paper. Suddenly the businessman’s eyes were drawn to a certain window as he saw a scrawny arm reach out to drop another piece of paper, like the one that had brought a whole new life to him. He carefully noted the location of the window, dashed up the stairs of the tenement, and finally found Tommy’s humble abode.

The businessman and Tommy soon became good friends, and the businessman brought Tommy all the help and medical attention that he could. Then one day he asked Tommy if he would like to come and live with him in his palatial mansion outside the city.

Much to his new friend’s surprise, Tommy answered, “I’ll have to ask my Friend about that”—meaning Jesus.

The next day the businessman returned, eagerly seeking Tommy’s reply. Instead, Tommy asked him some rather surprising questions.

“Where did you say your home is?” “Oh,” said the businessman, “it’s in the country, on a large and beautiful estate. You’ll have a room of your own, servants to care for you, delicious meals, a good bed, every comfort and attention, anything your heart desires, and my wife and I will love you dearly and care for you as our own son.”

Hesitantly, Tommy queried again, “Are there any people that would pass under my window?”

Surprised and somewhat baffled, the businessman replied, “Why, no, only an occasional servant, or perhaps the gardener. You don’t understand, Tommy, this is a gorgeous country estate, far from the tumult of the city. You’ll have quiet there and be able to rest and read and do whatever else you want, away from all this filth and pollution and noise and the busy throngs.”

After a long and thoughtful silence, Tom’s face looked very sad, for he hated to hurt his friend. Finally he said quietly but firmly, with tears in his eyes, “I’m sorry, but you see, I could never live anywhere where people don’t pass under my window.”

Here is the story of someone so helpless and so isolated that you might have thought he could never have had any opportunity to help others, but love found a way!

Someone passes under the window of your life every day. Has your love found a way to help them?

Has Jesus shown you how you can help them? He will if you want to, no matter what the conditions or your limitations.

God has windows too, and He has promised that if you obey Him and open the window of your life to others, He “will open for you the windows of Heaven, and pour out for you such a blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it” (Malachi 3:10).

Sunday, October 3, 2010


The good thing that this taxi fare hike brings me is that aside that my AED 10 will be save and able to loose those "unwanted fats". I started walking  again for 15-20 minutes every morning from our house to my office. Though I'm a little bit sweaty when I reached the office but this is also my chance to commune with God to talk and praise Him for the beautiful day that He has given me. For the new life and again the opportunity to experience His mighty love. Aside from that am also able to see the beauty of His creation. Those little birds that that are happily chirping, the grass and wild flowers that are beautifully clothed by God, the calm water that every time I will look into it, it really soothes and refreshes my soul. It is always my reminder how vast His love for us.

Sometimes we are too busy in our life that we ignore those little things that are precious. We tend to look beyond our problems, our circumstances and everything that we want in life yet we forgot that our God is the creator of the whole world and He alone can supply all our needs. Sometimes He allows bad things to happen to us , for us to realized that He is all our need.

God is faithful. He never changed. He is the same God yesterday today and forever. His love and faithfulness is new every morning.

Yet this I call to mind

and therefore I have hope:

Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed,

for his compassions never fail.

They are new every morning;

great is your faithfulness.

Lamentation 3: 21-23