Saturday, December 31, 2016

Thankyou 2016 and Welcome 2017

2016 is about to end.  Thus the beginning of 2017 will began.  We begin to send new year's greeting on our respective social media accounts.  Wishing everyone a bountiful and happy 2017.  

As I looked back on what 2016 brought me. It reminds me of how God has been so faithful to me.  On how He answered many of my silent prayers and on how He taught me so much things. Amidst of all of my failures, my worriness and my unending complains, He never leaves me and never forgotten me. He assured to me that everything will be in place and everything is under His control.

2016 allowed me to experience the goodness and greatness of His creation through travelling.  He let me experienced and see places that I thought I wont be able to visit. He showed me the vastness of His works and the grandeur of His creations.  He let me see the glimpse of what heaven looks like. Indeed 2016 is a blessed year.  And looking forward for a grandious 2017.  Ready to received all the blessings and ready to take the battle that will come on the way.

 I pray that the coming year will bring unending joy, unsurpasses happiness and abounding love to you and your family.  May the Lord will keep you throughout the coming year.

Thursday, September 22, 2016


Yesterday , on our way home  from  office , we noticed that Mitsu's  rear tire was flat.   I immediately bring the car to the petrol station to refill the air,  as Im driving  I tried to recall  what had caused my flat tire.  As much as possible I try to avoid parking along the  sandy area or  in kachara parking as to avoid  sharp  and pointed objects get  into the tires.  Sometimes bad things happened   even though how careful we are. And also  sometimes these circumstances will some how  teach us some lessons  that we will never forget. 

As I reach the petrol station and finished refilling the air, the staff there checked the tire and find nothing  that makes the tire deflated.  It was only this morning when we are about to go to work , we saw a bolt stacked on the rubber that caused the deflation.

Then I remembered: God is so good, at all time.

He never allowed  this to happen during the Eid holiday, wherein we are in the road for almost  every day during the week long holiday.  What if we get deflated on our way to Fujairah?  Or when we are in the middle of Sheikh Zayed  Road  in Dubai?  Or when we are in nowhere looking for the shortest  route going  to Last Exit Food Truck Station?  I am risking not only my life, but the life of my friends as well.  

But , then,  God is always good. He always protect.  He never want His children to get harm, to be in  trouble. He is always in control of everything. 

In our life, we often experience having a spiritual flat tire. Life's unexpected instances that could be in the form of job challenges, relationship conflicts, financial issues, death of loves ones and  illnesses that flattens us and released whatever energy left in us.   It may be a disaster at first but in the end it will redirect our lives in a meaningful way.

God will never leave us.  He is always good every time and  in everything.  All we need to do is to keep our faith in Him.  Just like a flat tire getting fixed after, He will patched every small and big holes of our life and will refill us with His Spirit, so that when we're  back on the road again,  we are sure  that our journey will be smooth  and safe,  no matter how bumpy and roughly  the roads ahead of us.  We will reach our destination  safety and without blemish.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

Monday, August 29, 2016


Its been a year since you've been gone
Since you left us and went back to our Father's arm
We are saddened by your early demise
But yet where happy
Because that's your perfect wish

You have live your life to the fullest
You have touch us with your sweetness
Till the end you have been the strongest
Your faith speaks highly of God's greatness

I have so much special memories  of you
That will always bring smile to me
If only I could have you back
Even for  quite some time

Then we could sit and talk again
Laugh, dream, cry like we were before
Your absence brings us nothing but pain
But for sure in the end it will be for our gain

You will always be in my heart
You will always be the friend that I love
Your memories will always stay
In my heart you will remain

In time we will meet again
In a place where there were no more pain
We will live happily ever after
Because we are home with our heavenly Father

Monday, August 15, 2016


If you were in UAE, summer months  especially August  is your best hate month because of the soaring temperature reaching up to 52 degrees celsius.  This is the time of month were in the you want to  leave the country and be in a place where in the weather will refreshes you.  But for us Friday school teachers ( Sunday School teachers for others),  this is the time of the year  we are excited to come (True?  teachers :) ). Why? not because the kids are few, but  because this is the month  for our annual Vacation Bible School (VBS).  A 2 whole day of fun filled activities, singing, dancing, playing  and learning  more about our Savior Jesus Christ.  This year, we have held our VBS last Aug 12-13, 2016 at Crystal Plaza Hotel.  This is my 9th year  of VBS in this country and each year's experience are always memorable and exciting.  This is also the year wherein I tried to assist in toddler class ,usually I prepared the higher level, because I think my patience is not as elastic as rubber band. I do love kids but dealing with them the whole day with all kinds of tantrums is another story.
VBS theme for this year  is all about being an athlete (Hebrews 12:1b).  Each one of us has its own race that  are  set  before us and we are expected to finish the race no matter how hard and difficult it will be along the way.  God commanded us to Fight the Good fight, Finish the Race  and Keep the Faith.   As an  athlete there  are  5   athletic qualities  that all of us must also  possessed, Discipline, Focus, Endurance, Teamwork and Confidence.

1. Focus - Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.  For his sake I have discarded everything , counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ  ( Philippians 3:8 NLT).  

An athlete should focus mainly to one goal, that is to get the  prize.  Focus is the quality that  all athletes need to have.  They should set their minds  on their goals and do everything they can to achieve it.   They do not look at their opponents, on the judges, on the spectators  but instead they keep their eyes on the target, on the finish line.  Moses is a good example  for this attitude.  He was a prince  who  gave up his high position and all the treasures of his kingdom because he fixed his attention  on something  that is more important, more valuable than  all the riches of the whole world.
But then distraction  is the  primary obstacle  of an athlete.  Competing  in a game is not measured  on how you started the game  but on how you played during the game.  Same with us,  upon reaching the finish line, God will not asked us on what kind of life we have, but on how we live our life along our  journey. Let us not be distracted  on what is happening around us but instead , let us always keep our eyes on Jesus , the author and  finisher of our faith. Let always be reminded that  what we have here  on earth is nothing compare  to  the treasures  that  awaits  us in heaven.

2.  Discipline -  Therefore , since we are surrounded by such a great  cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles.  And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.  (Hebrews 12:1 NIV).

A disciplined athlete is a victorious athlete.  An athlete  whose competing in a game, may he be a runner, swimmer , boxer or a  gymnast undergone a strict training and discipline before the competition.  They follow certain strict  diets, training  and exercises in order for them to be strong and fit.  They give up the comfort they have in exchange of the   gold prize after the competition.  As  Christian athletes we too are expected to be strong and fit but not only physically but most importantly, we should be fit spiritually.    Continuous reading of His words,  praying unceasingly,  faithful tithing, not giving up meeting together are some of those discipline that we have to endure. 

With the story of Achan, God had commanded the Israelite  to destroy the entire city of Jericho because of its great sin, He also commanded them not to take anything from Jericho. He warned then that bringing anything would lead the whole camp in destruction and whoever found guilty  will be liable for that. The Israelites obeyed, except for Achan, he stole beautiful robes, some gold and silver and hid all these things in his tent.  His  sin was discovered, of course (Numbers 32:23) and God commanded Achan and his entire family including all his  animals to be stoned to death. Sin hinders us from continuing the race. It entangles  on us that  limits our movement and later on crippled us.  But if we will look to Jesus alone  and fixed our eyes in Him, we will be sure that even though sins  keep on blocking our way,  Jesus will be always be near us to help us to run through every obstacle that will come along our way.

3.  Endurance -Let  us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of  our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. (Hebrews 12:2)

You will know  a good runner not   on how fast  he was  in the starting  point,  but on how fast he will become to reach  the finish line.  We have seen a lot of runner who are very fast  after the gun shot but are left behind   in the middle of the race.  Or we know people who makes resolutions then stop when it gets uncomfortable. Some stop working on their task and leave them undone. When difficulty comes, when they have to deal with difficulties, when its becomes painful, they become shortsighted. They see everything blurred immediately and focus on the present pain instead of the future gain.

Jesus knew before hand that His greatest mission was to be the sacrificial Lamb of God. The One who will take away the sins of the world.  He can refuse it  if he wants  to but still he chose to come to the earth and die in a shameful manner for us to gain the beautiful life in heaven.  In the last hours before He was arrested, He went to the Garden of Gethsemane to  pray with His disciples, He knew  the ordeal that  He will going through, but still He surrendered to the will of God.  After He prayed , Jesus found His disciple asleep instead  of praying with Him.  Not long ago, He was arrested.  He faced the betrayal of  one of His disciple, the mocking of the people, the painful crown of thorns,  the spits on this face, being nailed on the cross and died, but He bore them all. If we will weigh the hardship that He went through, it's not even close to an inch to what we are suffering right now.  As we face our present hardship, remember we are not alone on this battle because our Heavenly Father will strengthen us as we surrender our life to Jesus Christ, who faced and endured the worst for our sake.

4. Teamwork - And let us consider how may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Hebrews 10:24 

Teamwork allows us to do things with others that would take a  lot of time, effort and energy if we will do it by our own.  Teamwork allows us to gather more ideas, support  and build trust  and mutual encouragement  with each other.  Teamwork isn't a new concept.  Even during early days.  Team work was first originated by God when He formed the earth thru the help of the Son and Holy Spirit.  Among are Adam and Eve, Moses and Joshua, Paul and Silas, Peter  and  John and of course Jesus and His disciple. They worked hand in hand, and face every hardship together, for one common  goal - To glorify and give honor to God.   In the story of Paul, he spent his time with the couple Priscilla and Aquila in making tents  and in the same way sharing  about Jesus.  The three of them traveled to Ephesus as a team  until such time  Paul left them and headed on His own  journey.  By then,  the couple are teaming with Apollos,  though he was an educated man, he was humble enough to listen and take instruction from the couple. When we join God's family  , we become one team, and as one body. We work together in harmony to fulfill and accomplish God's plan for everyone.
5. Confidence I have fought the good fight of faith. I have  finished the race, I have kept the faith.  Now there is in store  for me  the crown of righteousness.  2 Timothy 4:7-8a.   

The life of an athlete is not easy, he will endure everything for him to be fit   to compete and win the gold.    The apostle Paul was very much familiar with the concept of suffering because he himself experienced it.  He endured the pain of being hated by his own people.  It was not easy. Growing  up he enjoyed the respect  of his people because of his exceptional knowledge of  the Law.  But by following Jesus  he risked everything he had.  He also endured death.  They arrested him and even put to jail because of his conviction - to proclaim the truth about the resurrection of Jesus, His Master.   Yet in spite of everything Paul's faith did not waiver.  He endured everything  because He know that Jesus equipped him not only to the ministry but also to all the sufferings he will get through.  He is confident  that if he will stick on the plan that Jesus prepared for him , he will finish the race triumphantly.  Paul was able to finish well the race because he had eternity in his mind.  He is fully sure of that the temporary pain and suffering   that he need to endure while on earth were insignificant compared to the  eternal rewards that awaits with him in heaven with Jesus.  Same with us, Jesus promised us a heavenly reward for those who love and serve Him faithfully.

It may be tiring but at the end of the day, it's always brings us so much joy, knowing that we are imparting   with these children, the Good News,   that  Jesus loves us and He died on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins, He then rose again, returned to heaven  prepared a place for us and promised that we will be with Him together in eternity

All the hardship and all the preparations are worth it because we know that our labor will not be  in vain.  And in the end we have the confidence  that we have finished the race well.

 To God be all the glory.

Thursday, August 11, 2016


Dear  self,

  Hi how are you?  I hope you were fine?  I hope you have a wonderful day today.  You know what these  past few days, I noticed that you're  always  in a bad mood, you're  always irritated  and complained too much for  little things, you are stressing yourself  on those things that you don’t have any control of,  you are putting so much pressure on people that   doesn’t  meet your standards  especially  on those people around you and worked  with you  every day.    You know  what,  don’t get mad at me, but its look like you are creating a little monster inside of you. You are creating yourself  into  someone that you are  supposed not to be.  Someone  you  don’t want  to be.  Remember the times when your
superior is scolding you for some  mistakes that was  not your fault, you're always telling me that when time comes that  you have to have your own business, you will never let your people experienced what you have been through,  I think you are doing the same pattern as early as now.  You are being harsh on people when they  failed to do their job  as per your requirements and expectations.  You raised your voice so easily that it's like you're  always angry. Please be reminded that there were never  be any one like you.  Don't expect too much. You  failed to be a blessing to them,  you failed to treat them the way they should be treated, with utmost  love and respect.  You failed to embrace them with the love of Christ but instead you put  stubbornness and hatred on their heart.  This is not you,   I have known you fully well that I have noticed  even the slightest changes in you.  You have a good heart but sometimes  you failed to show that  to others, you  put  an invisible walls between you and others  so that it's  very hard for them to see the goodness in you,  it's hard for them to penetrate into your inner being and they think that you are nothing but a snob and a person who doesn't care at all.  But you know , YOU ARE NOT .  Every night when you are praying, you asked God to make you a blessings to other, that you could able to touch people lives even in the smallest things you do.  You want you be an inspiration to others.  But sometimes people  misinterpret you, sometimes people think  you as a threat and not as an ally.  But hey,  but it doesn’t mean that you need to be like  that.  Because you are not,  in case you have  forgotten, let me remind you,   you are perfectly and wonderfully made.  Just like the   wild flowers in the garden , your beauty may  not be recognized easily, maybe because you were covered by thorns and  weeds all over you.  But once , those  some brave people, removed all those hindrances in your body, they will see a beauty that was polished by time.  You are  a perfect manifestation of God's unending love to the universe.  You are one of His well loved creation.   You are priceless and precious.  There's so much beauty in you.  Maybe not everyone see that,  but it does not make you a lesser person. You are surrounded by people whose love for you is true and genuine.   Whose love for you is more than a skin deep.  Whose love  for you goes  beyond words, beyond your  imperfection, beyond what you can give to  them, more so beyond your capacity . They love you for who you are, the same way  God loves you tremendously.  His love for you enable Him to give His life and  to die on the cross for you. The greatest  and perfect love any person could ever had.  So cheer up and smile , don’t allow yourself  be consumed  of too much stress and pressure because you are not destined to be like that.   God created  you with a purpose and for a reason.  You are loved.   Don’t get mad at me, ok?  I'm just being true to you.  Because God  said in His word, "Better is open rebuke than hidden love" (Proverbs 27:5).  I love you that much , that it  gives me courage to speak truthfully to you.    Looking forward for more good of you.  And if ever you slip  out of the path again, expect a letter from me immediately.

Loving you,

Your self   

Monday, July 11, 2016


How are you today? the same question that I received every single day of my working hours. It may be a morning greeting from my colleagues or from my boss or just a simple phrase to start a conversation.  Oftentimes, I just answered it with a plain "I'm fine" or " I'm good"  without really meaning it. No glance or emotion at all.  Admit it or not we do that because we just want people or that certain person to think that we are ok, that everything goes well with us eventhough sometimes it is not.  Or its also our way of ending any further conversation with them.

But before I answer that question with sincerity, let me indulge a little bit of what that happened this past months.  This year is really a great year for me.  Too many unexpected and overwhelming blessings poured out upon me and my family.  Most of them are  answered prayers and some are reality of my dreams.   Who ever think that those little childhood dreams of mine eventually became reality.  Those promises that I uttered long time ago were fulfilled.  Those wishful thinking are no longer wishes but became evident of what we can do and achieve.  But most especially knowing that there is special Someone who despite of all my flaw and weaknesses still love  me.  Knowing that I am precious in His sight is more than enough.  With Him I can face each new day with hope and joy even when things dont go the way I want them to be; with Him I have peace that no one can take it away from me; I am victorious in every challenges that I will face because He said , it is finished. 

So, how am I today? Hmmmm, as I look into your eyes while holding and sipping my cup of coffee,  I can say it to you with sincerity that I am blessed and  happy, though a little pain in my shoulder blade due to driving but Im doing great.  Today I woke up with full of gratitude in my heart because God gave me another day again. Today,  is a gift.  A miracle from above.   Another day to see the beauty and wonders of His creation.  Another day to be blessing to others.  Or maybe an answer to someone's prayer.

I imagine that as you read this you are smiling, maybe with a little nod or you're grinning from ear to ear. Believing that everyday is a fulfillment of God's many unfold blessings and promises to us.  That each new day is a manifestation that we are love by Him.  Each new day is a promise that no matter how hard life will be, we are not alone.  Each new day is His way of telling us that the beautiful future ahead of us is just a few steps away.  Now, its my turn to ask you "How are you today? .  I hope you have a great one.  

Tuesday, June 21, 2016


In times of raging storms
When flood rises up
Let go my soul and trust Him

When crushing waves
Slammed me back and forth
Let go my soul and trust Him

When lightning strikes 
And thunderstorm roars
Let go my soul and trust Him

When tides pulling me down
Let go my soul and trust Him

Storm and wave
Knows Your name
Lightning and thunder
Follow Your voice
You are mightier than anyone
My life is secure in your hand

I will be still no matter what
Whatever life throws me back
I will keep my faith
No matter what it takes
I will hold on and wait
Till I see you face to face

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Many people now a days  don’t know  or let’s say  they already forgotten how to keep their words.  They often disregard  what they promised to you.  Their yes today, will be no by tomorrow, or their no today ,will be yes in a couple of  days, it depends on their mood and circumstances.

 During older days,  words are bonded  with just trust and  handshake,  they don’t need any written contract  or tape recorder  to make their statement  authentic and  true.  If they say they're  going to do something , they will do it no matter what it takes.

To keep your word  ,means you can be trusted. People who keep their words are seen as  trustworthy.  To keep your word means others believe  that  you are reliable. People  value their integrity much more  as they value themselves.

Honoring one's word does not only applies to  corporate or business world alone,  but also in our everyday life as well.  I am also guilty of this topic, most of the times  I commit myself on some appointments and at the last minute   I backed out because  I think it will not create a big fuss on that,  or promise something and  totally forget all about it.   but I was wrong.  People see and judge you not only on what you do but also on every words that you uttered.  The Bible said "Honor God in everything you do" and that’s include our words. So how I will honor God if I always failed to keep my promises.  Our words is sacred.  Our words defines who we are. And our words speak our relationship with others.

Every time we speak, we create a road. A road that will lead people to trust  or not to trust you. The quality of the road and how far it goes, will be directly related on how well we maintain our integrity with our words.

Matthew 5:37 (NKJV)  -   But let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the evil one.