Sunday, August 28, 2011


In my previous post "AS I CONQUERED FEAR" last Oct 2010, I shared there one of my greatest fear and that is being in a hospital. Didn’t I know that God is just training me for a big thing to happen. At exactly 10 months I find myself in that same hospital again with same familiar faces, same smell but with lesser fear and a greater faith.

Saturday, Aug 20, 2011 at around 3am , Allan woke me up asking to bring him to the hospital because the pain in his stomach became worst and his back is also in pain, he was not able to sleep because of his condition.

In our way to the hospital I asked God for miracles. First and foremost I asked to released Allan from pain, it really breaks my heart every time he cried out because of the pain. For sure it is really painful. We know for the fact that men tolerance to pain is not same as women. Second that God spare us from too much hospital bills and expenses. We don’t have that money to spend with and even though the insurance company will reimburse the expenses afterwards there is no guarantee that they will covered all.

Every time the nurse handed me the bills I really prayed hard that it will not cost much. We only have 1,500 dirhams ($410) in our pocket and I know it will be not be enough since we are in a private hospital. But really God is in control because He sustain us, our hospital expenses is only within what we have in hand.

With thorough tests they find out that He has multiple gall stones and with doctor's advice he need immediate laser surgery to remove all the stones and again need a large amount of money. Laser surgery will cost 10,000 to 11,000 dirhams ($3000+) again, where can we get that money?. My mind started to think of ways on how to raise that amount, I even come out to the point of borrowing money to my company but then it is God's word whom pacify me. Why am I worrying knowing that I have a great God who can heal. We told the doctor we will think about it and will inform him later.

After giving him another shot of pain killer and letting him sleep for 3 more hours we decided to go home with faith in our heart that he will be healed.

God really works in mysterious ways. He never failed to show His power to us. He give us His wisdom to discern what is good and best for us. As am searching in the internet for any alternate ways to remove gall stones God leads me to a site that gives advises about gall stones and explained how olive oil and fresh lemon juice works to purge gall stones out. I copied the procedure and tried to follow every measurements and every steps. With lots of prayer and faith,  it works. Gall stones come out. At first just like a size of small pebbles but later on its like a size of jackstone ball. And the pain starting to subside. Truly prayer and faith works together.

God really hears our prayers. And its good to know that there people whom we can count on during this difficult times. They take time to be with us physically and spiritually. Knowing that we are not alone in this battle is also a miracle from God.

God is still in the miracle business. If you are asking for a miracle today, God will answer. When praying, don’t forget to ask Jesus to give you ears to hear and a heart to receive His answer. The best answer.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


This saying is true to me. Let me share with you an unforgettable experience I had yesterday due to my curiosity I wasted much of my effort , time and a little money.

Since Ramadan started am taking Sharjah public bus going home. There is one bus stop here in Jamal Abdul Nasser that will take me to Corniche and from there I will just walk. But due to me desire not to wait for 15 minutes for the bus to come back and to avoid the scorching heat of sun I immediately take the coming bus without knowing where will be the last stop because I thought it will also the same bus that will pass by on the bus stop I was supposed to wait. As I jumped on I didn’t even tell the bus driver where he will drop me. I paid the fare and seated comfortable. As the bus run I noticed that the way was getting far, far and far. I already reached Industrial 10. The supposed to be 5 minutes ride become 30 minutes and I paid more than the usual fare. I was tired, hungry and exhausted.

 It reminds me the story of Israelites that because of their stubbornness and hard headedness they travelled the Promise Land for 40 years instead of just few days. They take the same route over and over again. without knowing that their destination is just a hand reach.

Same with our Christian journey sometimes we tend to take alternate routes because we don’t want to be burned with so much responsibility. With so much obligations that will consume most of our time and energy. We take the route which we think will best suit for us. But in the end we are facing dead end and we consumed much more what is required from us from the start. Admit it our journey is hard, but we can do it. All we need to do is to stay focused, stand from where we believe in, stand with our faith. Remember that it takes only a single journey to reach our destination. And I hope that we all meet on the designated bus stop.