Saturday, March 26, 2011

Looking forward for the next 33 years....

March 26, 1978 when two different individuals bow before the Lord to love each other in sickness and in health richer and in poor...till death do they part....its been  33 years now  and they still keeping and holding on to that promised...I  together with my siblings are the living proof of their love for each other, a love that keeps on growing day after day.   They are not perfect, they have fights and arguments but what important is that  they easily forgive each other. Truly love covers all wrong (Proverbs 10:12) . They together surpassed the hardship of life as well enjoy the the beauty of it.

Happy 33th year anniversary to the most loving and sweet couple I have ever known. May God continue to blessed your union forever. We are blessed to have a wonderful parents like you. We love you very much. Looking forward for another 33 years of God's faithfulness and love into your marriage.

Monday, March 14, 2011


Last night in our Prayer Meeting I have been rebuked by the verse Bro John quoted, it is in Ecclesiastes 10:4 If your boss is angry at you, don't quit! A quiet spirit can overcome even great mistakes (NLT). For my past 5 years stay here in UAE not even twice or thrice I wanted to quit. Many instances had been happened especially in my job that I even asked God if I really have to stay. Only few friends knows that I have been terminated twice for such no reason at all. Every morning it’s been a battle for me to wake up and go off to work. I even pray that my boss will now show up in the office so that I will free from anything that will ruined my day. But God will not allowed us to live in fear, we have to be strong and stand up for what we know and believe is right. He taught me to pray for him, to let him understand that we are all human and we bound to make mistakes. And not all are perfect. And He did. He answered my prayers, he gradually become soft spoken, never I hear him shout again. He can now tolerate his anger.

But then again something happened last week that cause me react impulsively. Am I facing my same dilemma again? I thought I already won the battle , why now I’m facing the giant again. I was about to prepare my resignation letter when God reminds me of His faithfulness. Never He leave me defeated in any battle that I’m in and yet with only this small disagreement will I surrender? It calms me, I closed the letter without saving it and asked God's  forgiveness for letting my emotions ruled me again.

I know lot of people having the same experience with me, some of them even worse. We don’t need to pleased our bosses; we don’t need to do things beyond our will just to received applause and praises from them. Because there is only one Audience we have to pleased and that is Jesus Christ (Colossians 3:23 Whatever you do work at it as though you are working for the Lord and not for people.). Just don’t quit, God put us in that position and only Him can able to take us away. After all maybe His purpose for you in that company has not yet fulfilled. Let us allow God to use us mightily in whatever situation we are right now, let His light shine on us. It's always been my prayer and I hope this will also be yours too.  

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Whenever I am at the airport , there's always this feeling that I really can't explain, it may be thrill of excitement, sadness or a little bit of jealousy (?). Excitement maybe because those people at  the airport have one thing in common at that time is that they will be with their family in just few hours , sadness because I'm going to missed the person I am sending off, a little bit of jealousy yes I admit because I want also to go home and be with my family.

Going back home is always been a dream come true especially  to us OFW,  from the moment we received approval from our annual leave we started to look forward on that day, we even cross out the months and days on the calendar  because of our excitement, we started buying something for our families and friends and started planning out for our month long activities.

Home is where our heart is, it is the place where in we find security and comfort, free from any worries of this world, from the pressure and stress of everyday work, from any problem and for everything that takes away our peace but even the what we so called home does not give us full security of contentment and peaceful life, because our home is not here on earth its just temporal and it will soon passed but there is one HOME that is waiting for us and it will be our permanent home and that is in heaven wherein Jesus himself prepared the place for us. Be ready to get home because our Father is waiting for us with an open arms.

In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you (John 14:2)