Thursday, December 1, 2011


Cold morning….trees…lights….foods…gifts…it's start of Christmas season…Truly Christmas is in the air. People are now busy as this early time preparing for their list. Christmas list, food list, gift list. Their planners are already full of parties and reunions to attend too.

It is the time of get together, visiting relatives, keeping in touch with long lost friends, forgiving those who hurt us, sharing blessings and being good to one another.

It is also the time I miss my family most. It's been my 6 Christmas away from them. Away from the festive and merry celebration back home. But that should not be the reason to get sad and cried and not to celebrate Christmas at all.

We may be far from each other but still we are still close at heart. A family is always be family. They are just one thought away. And the love that Jesus that was put in our heart is more than enough reason to be glad on this coming occasion.

Have a blessed early Christmas everyone…..let your family knows that you love and care for them. That's the best gift you can give to them.

Saturday, November 12, 2011


In our service to God many times we are discourage, we sometimes loose hope and often times we want to quit. When we do something, we always expect people to acknowledge our works, to give pat on our back and to hear that we done a great job.

Allow me to share with you this nice story I received from a friend. It pricks my heart because same with characters of this story, many times in my life I wanted recognition from people, I want them to appreciate my good deeds and hear them say that I'm good.

But this story reminds me that all the praises of men will be in vain and will be forgotten over the period of times. What more important is that when I reached home and there is God waiting for me in the city gate with His arms open wide and will whisper to me. "Well done my good and faithful servant".(Matthew 25:21)
An old missionary couple had been working in Africa for years and was returning to New York to retire. They had no pension; their health was broken; they were defeated, discouraged, and afraid. They discovered they were booked on the same ship as President Teddy Roosevelt, who was returning from one of his big-game hunting expeditions.

No one paid any attention to them. They watched the fanfare that accompanied the President's entourage, with passengers trying to catch a glimpse of the great man. As the ship moved across the ocean, the old missionary said to his wife, "Something is wrong.

Why should we have given our lives in faithful service for God in Africa all these many years and have no one care a thing about us? Here this man comes back from a hunting trip and everybody makes much over him, but nobody gives two hoots about us."

"Dear, you shouldn't feel that way," his wife said. "I can't help it; it doesn't seem right." When the ship docked in New York, a band was waiting to greet the President. The mayor and other dignitaries were there. The papers were full of the President's arrival.

No one noticed this missionary couple. They slipped off the ship and found a cheap flat on the East Side, hoping the next day to see what they could do to make a living in the city.

That night the man's spirit broke. He said to his wife, "I can't take this; God is not treating us fairly." His wife replied, "Why don't you go in the bedroom and tell that to the Lord?"

A short time later he came out from the bedroom, but now his face was completely different. His wife asked, "Dear, what happened?"

"The Lord settled it with me," he said. "I told him how bitter I was that the President should receive this tremendous homecoming, when no one met us as we returned home. And when I finished, it seemed as though the Lord put his hand on my shoulder and simply said, 'But you're not home yet!"

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Ohhhhh Nooooo…I missed your birthday…

Why of all the people I know. It's your birthday that I missed. Its not that I don’t remember it at all but really my built in calendar failed to remind me.

Hope you will ever forgive me fo rthis …I know it's quite late but as what they said it's better late than never….

Happy happy birthday Ning…You're such a blessing to me and I will forever be grateful to God that He gave me a friend, a sister, an enemy, a critic, a confidante and someone whom I know will love and accept me for who I am in you. May God continue to give the desires of your heart. May you continue to seek His will and plans for you. May His blessings abound to you in great and small ways. May you taste and see His goodness every time you kneel to pray. May your day be brightened more with God's loving touch and may you sense He's with you now and loves you very much.


Wednesday, October 19, 2011


The glory of Friendship is not the outstretched hand, nor the kindly smile, nor the joy of companionship; it is the spiritual inspiration that comes to one when he discovers that someone else believes in him and is willing to trust him. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Someone has said that if you can count your true friends on the fingers of one hand, you are blessed. A friend is one whom you can be yourself with and never fear that he or she will judge you. A friend is someone that you can confide in with complete trust. A friend is someone you respect and that respects you, not based upon worthiness but based upon a likeness of mind.

Faithful friends are a sturdy shelter: whoever finds one has found a treasure. FRIENDSHIP IS AN EXISTENTIAL NEED. It is an art to be cultivated, whether with humans or with God. And this art often involves taking a risk, a willingness to stick out one's neck or even to lay down one's life for one's friend if needed. Just as what Jesus did.

In our culture today, there is much talk about "love" but relatively little about friendship. So what's so special about friendship? It is common that we "fall into" love but we don't "fall into" friendship, although we can "fall out of friendship.

We have to work at friendship; friendship has to be cultivated; it has to be a mutual and mature relationship. When we fall into love, we walk on cloud nine, while being friends may often mean walking through dark valleys together. A friend is "as a way of being more than doing," one who is "being at the disposal of someone else."

Being a friend means "being available"-a sharing of life, knowledge, and self. Being available "involves an attitude, a posture, a signaling that draws on the deepest elements of the self." Such a person can engage and endure "creative schedule interruptions." A friend is one you can count on. In short, friendship makes demands: be there-- availability in life or death situations, in birth or grave encounters of another kind. A friend is even disposed to lay down his life for other friends. Can we be this kind of friend for others? God is such a friend and so is Jesus who calls us "friends," not servants.

One who finds a true friend is similar to one who finds wisdom. Both are worth more than silver, gold, coral, or jewels. Both are fine gifts and given to those who "fear the Lord," which is the beginning of wisdom and probably the start of genuine friendship.

Friendship should not only be based on happy moments but more often during the lowest point of your life.

In my experience there are two kind of friends. There are the one that you hang out with, have fun, laugh with but don’t cry with you. These are the transients, passing friends that when you meet again after three year or three month gap, you will just exchange hellos and nothing much to talk about. And there are those friends whom you meet after two weeks or twenty and still share this incredible connection. These are the friends that stand silently with you when the world falls apart and scales fall away.

As we grow older we learn that person that wasn’t supposed to ever let us down probably will. Life comes with no guarantees, no time outs and very few second chances. But there is one definite SOMEONE who will stay with us no matter what. He will and never will change. He will remain true to us. And will be our friend forever. HE is JESUS OUR GREATEST AND ULTIMATE FRIEND.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Coming of.....AGE

I was in the elevator one morning going for work when I looked at my reflection in the mirror and there was a single tread of white thing sparkling on my head. At first I thought it's just a reflection of light from behind but when I plucked it out …guess what I found…a long white hair….oh no I am really getting older?

White hair is some sort of turning point in our life. Often we relate it to experiences in life. They said that the more white hair you have the more experienced person you are. But what about those who are bald and those who have white hair at early age (oppsss…no offense meant…). I remember one classmate before who have more white than black hair. It means that they are already well experienced person?

Other said it is hereditary , science said it is because of loss of melanin in our hair because the more melanin is present , the color of the hair is darker; if less melanin is present , the hair is lighter.

But as what the bible said in Proverbs 16:31 Gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained by a righteous life. I began to examined myself because of that. Am I still the immature person I was before? Did my character changed for better or it become worst? Have I lived a righteous life? Have I spend wisely the past years of my life?. God already gave me 32 years on this earth and if He will asked me with those years how much I contributed in establishing His kingdom, maybe I can only name few. Really I am ashamed. But God is gracious that He didn’t look on the quantity on our service but on its quality. For Him what important is what's inside our heart and our desire to serve Him in the best way that we can.

They say that Age is just a state of mind. While this may be true to some extent, the reality is that seeing that hair on that day changed the way I viewed myself. I only have  some years on this earth left. I am in no way young. Once that milestone of age made its presence known, it can never be unknown… but what will remain are only those I did for His glory.

Sunday, August 28, 2011


In my previous post "AS I CONQUERED FEAR" last Oct 2010, I shared there one of my greatest fear and that is being in a hospital. Didn’t I know that God is just training me for a big thing to happen. At exactly 10 months I find myself in that same hospital again with same familiar faces, same smell but with lesser fear and a greater faith.

Saturday, Aug 20, 2011 at around 3am , Allan woke me up asking to bring him to the hospital because the pain in his stomach became worst and his back is also in pain, he was not able to sleep because of his condition.

In our way to the hospital I asked God for miracles. First and foremost I asked to released Allan from pain, it really breaks my heart every time he cried out because of the pain. For sure it is really painful. We know for the fact that men tolerance to pain is not same as women. Second that God spare us from too much hospital bills and expenses. We don’t have that money to spend with and even though the insurance company will reimburse the expenses afterwards there is no guarantee that they will covered all.

Every time the nurse handed me the bills I really prayed hard that it will not cost much. We only have 1,500 dirhams ($410) in our pocket and I know it will be not be enough since we are in a private hospital. But really God is in control because He sustain us, our hospital expenses is only within what we have in hand.

With thorough tests they find out that He has multiple gall stones and with doctor's advice he need immediate laser surgery to remove all the stones and again need a large amount of money. Laser surgery will cost 10,000 to 11,000 dirhams ($3000+) again, where can we get that money?. My mind started to think of ways on how to raise that amount, I even come out to the point of borrowing money to my company but then it is God's word whom pacify me. Why am I worrying knowing that I have a great God who can heal. We told the doctor we will think about it and will inform him later.

After giving him another shot of pain killer and letting him sleep for 3 more hours we decided to go home with faith in our heart that he will be healed.

God really works in mysterious ways. He never failed to show His power to us. He give us His wisdom to discern what is good and best for us. As am searching in the internet for any alternate ways to remove gall stones God leads me to a site that gives advises about gall stones and explained how olive oil and fresh lemon juice works to purge gall stones out. I copied the procedure and tried to follow every measurements and every steps. With lots of prayer and faith,  it works. Gall stones come out. At first just like a size of small pebbles but later on its like a size of jackstone ball. And the pain starting to subside. Truly prayer and faith works together.

God really hears our prayers. And its good to know that there people whom we can count on during this difficult times. They take time to be with us physically and spiritually. Knowing that we are not alone in this battle is also a miracle from God.

God is still in the miracle business. If you are asking for a miracle today, God will answer. When praying, don’t forget to ask Jesus to give you ears to hear and a heart to receive His answer. The best answer.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


This saying is true to me. Let me share with you an unforgettable experience I had yesterday due to my curiosity I wasted much of my effort , time and a little money.

Since Ramadan started am taking Sharjah public bus going home. There is one bus stop here in Jamal Abdul Nasser that will take me to Corniche and from there I will just walk. But due to me desire not to wait for 15 minutes for the bus to come back and to avoid the scorching heat of sun I immediately take the coming bus without knowing where will be the last stop because I thought it will also the same bus that will pass by on the bus stop I was supposed to wait. As I jumped on I didn’t even tell the bus driver where he will drop me. I paid the fare and seated comfortable. As the bus run I noticed that the way was getting far, far and far. I already reached Industrial 10. The supposed to be 5 minutes ride become 30 minutes and I paid more than the usual fare. I was tired, hungry and exhausted.

 It reminds me the story of Israelites that because of their stubbornness and hard headedness they travelled the Promise Land for 40 years instead of just few days. They take the same route over and over again. without knowing that their destination is just a hand reach.

Same with our Christian journey sometimes we tend to take alternate routes because we don’t want to be burned with so much responsibility. With so much obligations that will consume most of our time and energy. We take the route which we think will best suit for us. But in the end we are facing dead end and we consumed much more what is required from us from the start. Admit it our journey is hard, but we can do it. All we need to do is to stay focused, stand from where we believe in, stand with our faith. Remember that it takes only a single journey to reach our destination. And I hope that we all meet on the designated bus stop.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


I had a terrible dream last night. I was in a middle of a battle. Guns never stop on firing me in all sides. My unknown enemies kept on torturing me. They want to take my life. As I keep on saying "In Jesus Name"… they cannot do anything. They cannot even touch me. Then I woke up….

I don’t know how to interpret dreams. To some they will see it literally as someone is trying to kill me. Or it like a warning to them, to others there's more that than. More than what our eyes can see. As Christians I'm always at the battle field. This earth is my battle ground and the forces of good and evil keeps on fighting within me. There are battles within myself, within my work and within my surroundings.

But I know that God promised me victory. And this battle is not mine but His. When King Jehoshapat was so scared because of this vast army that is coming to fight them, God said to him ‘Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s’” (2 Chronicles 20:15).

Also when Saul tried to kill King David, it is the hand of God who delivered him from Saul's hand. The Lord who fought for these two kings is also the same Lord who is fighting for me and you. I believe that God is putting us in such situations where we will immediately put our trust in Him.

It is not usual for me to have such dream. May it happen today or in the future or what ever it may be am sure I already won the battle because the Great and Mighty Warrior is with me..

Saturday, June 18, 2011


A father is both a protector and a wise, trusted friend. When your dreams appear sunk beyond all recognition, a dad has the power to breathe Peace into your spirit and restore and heal your dreams.~

Even though it's not necessarily a religious holiday, it's an excellent time of year to honor Dads, and remind us just how important Father's really are. We often see the importance of our mother, her hard work as she perform her domestic duties, her smile and hugs when we are sad and how she cooks for us and take care of us when we are sick but didn’t we realize that we have also our father who are longing to be appreciated and honored. He is the one who provide our material needs for us to survive daily. He is the one who gives us strength to face life bravely and he is the one who will do anything and everything for the better future that is waiting for us.

Our father maybe our best enemy when we are young, he is the one who disciplined and spank us when we did something wrong, he also the one who dictates us and try to manipulate our own little world. But as we grow older he becomes our best friend, our confidante, our mentor and our counselor.

Not all have given the chance to have a good father, not all grew up with a complete set of family and I'm glad and grateful I have one.

He is not perfect. But he is the best

He is not rich. But he is the wealthiest man ever live because we are his treasures.

He is not popular. But we are his number 1 fans.

He may not look like Richard Gomez or Aga Muhlach or any international good looking man. But in our eyes he is the most handsome man.

He is our pillar of strength. The one who will face all the storms of life and all battles and make sure that we are safe and secure under his wings.

He is our first hand critic yet our ultimate cheerleader in times of triumphs and victories.

And most of all

He is the man that is after God's own heart. He is our greatest influencer. With him we able to know that Christ is our heavenly Father and He loves us more than our earthly father loves us.


Thank you for showing me what a Godly man truly is!

There's always a place for him deep in your heart. And each year that passes, you're even more glad, More grateful and proud just to call him your dad! Thank you, Dy... for listening and caring, for giving and sharing, but, especially, for just being you!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Is he the one?

Ladies...its quite long but worth reading for....

First we must allow our Heavenly Father to do the picking. And second, the decision for a mate must be made on a spiritual and intellectual basis before it's made on an emotional one.

"What about love? Shouldn't that be the third? you ask. No, and I'll tell you why. "The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? (Jeremiah 17:9).

The heart is willful and is driven by its own agenda. It does not consider things rationally and intelligently it just loves to love! Therefore you have to point it in the right direction: "Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life" (Proverbs 4:23).

Whenever you meet a man, you need to get clearance from God, check out his attributes, and then allow your heart to engage.

Dating exists not for mating; it exists for collecting data. I believe that the biblical design would be friendship, courtship and then marriage.

Friendship is two people walking together in agreement and accountability, learning and growing together.

Courtship follows the mutual agreement to commit to one another exclusively - it is the decisive turning toward the agreed-upon goal of the marriage altar. It is a period of laying a foundation and preparing your life together after marriage.

But dating? Well, if you do date, use the time wisely to gather these facts:

1. Check out the fabric. Is the person mate material? Does this man have an intimate relationship with the Father through Jesus Christ? Does he care what God thinks about his behavior? Is he accountable to God as well as another co-laborer in the faith? Accountability is an important factor. It is imperative to maintaining a committed relationship. Is your potential spouse a member of the same family - the family of God?

You need to have common interests and values and agree on the essentials of living day to day. You have a similar spiritual walk. You eat the same spiritual diet. You enjoy a lot of similar things. You have like interests, like goals in life, like opinions on basic life issues.

You have had like experiences in your background. Though there is some truth to the idiom that opposites attract, like-minded folks fare better together.

Furthermore, does he want to get married? If you want to be married and your dreamboat isn't interested, don't waste your time.

Remember, women fall in love and get married. Men decide to get married and then look for a wife. Note the difference in order. So if a guy says he's not looking for anything serious, take his words seriously. If he's not going in your direction, get off the bus and wait for the right one.

2. Does this man want you? Is he pursuing you? The man who is right for you will pursue you, and God's hand in the relationship will be clear. No guessing, no fleeces, no dead ends.

Scripture says: "He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord" (Proverbs 18:22).

Note -who finds whom? THE MAN FINDS THE WIFE. From the beginning of time, God has transported men and women across the world in order to put them together.

At the RIGHT TIME, He will bring that man on the scene and he will find you. In God's perfect design, the man is the one who recognizes his mate. Adam has no problem recognizing that Eve was his missing rib. You do not need to strategically place yourself anywhere. You don't have to help a guy out because he's shy!

Men will do whatever they have to do to get what they truly want. The man in your life should recognize you as the pearl of great price in his life and be willing to do whatever he must in order to gain your hand. If he is passive about gaining your affections, take it as a sign that he is not interested.

Many a woman's mother has suggested that it is a good idea to marry a man who loves you more than you love him. As cold as that sounds, it actually might be scriptural if you stop to think about it: "We love him because he first loved us" (1 John 4:19). Until then, take the ultimate chill pill. You don't need a bunch of men in your life to make you feel all right about yourself.

You need only one man - your man, the one God has selected to select you. And trust me, the right man at the wrong time can be just as awful as the wrong man at any time. So trust God's timing in this. He is the ultimate matchmaker. Relax, sit pretty and allow yourself to be found. Again – WAIT until the man voices his intentions. He should take the lead in establishing the relationship. You may have an inkling that he is the one, but God will use the man to set the tone of the relationship. Allow him the opportunity to woo you - this is your first act of submission. Jesus set the standard for all men to follow. They should love us first. And they should lead the relationship.

3. The man in your life should not desire to move into your house, only into your heart. A man who prepares for your future has made his intentions clear. A man who is husband material has the means to take care of a wife. He is a responsible human being who understands he needs to have something to offer. In short, a man should have the means to be a suitable lover for you.

4. Check out his buddies. Everyone knows birds of the same feather flock together, yet most women fail to see the connection between a man and his friends. A man's pals tell you a lot about the person that you haven't seen yet. They reveal things about the guy's character that might be hidden when he is on good behavior. Everyone knows how to put his best foot forward. Don't stay focused on the foot, check out the rest of the body!

5. Check out his relationship with his mother. How does he treat her? This is your preview of how he will treat you. There are lots of men who, because of a negative relationship with their mothers, really don't like women, yet say they do. Unresolved issues between mother and son continue between husband and wife.

6. Remember that a man's family reveals the cloth from which he's cut. Take note and decide whether you want your future with the man in your life to look like his present family situation.

7. Check out the patterns of his life. Do you see repeated cycles of drama in his personal kingdom? Broken relationships? Problems in making commitments --including the job market? Mood swings? Is a problem always someone else's fault? Does he embrace responsibility or shirk it? Does he keep his promises? Is he a man of good reputation? Remember all garments look wonderful hanging in the store, but with wear, some begin to unravel. Give yourself time and space to check out the man in your life. Time will always reveal whether or not he is made of the right stuff.

8. Does this man have a vision for his life? Is he running with that vision? Remember, God decided Adam needed help once Adam got busy DOING his assignment. As we saw Adam, a man doesn't need help until he is busy doing what he was created and called to do. Is the man in your life guided by sense of destiny and purpose, or does he just allow life to happen around him? A man who is not certain of his mission can be a most miserable person - and you'll be miserable too if you know where YOU want to go in life.

A man who has vision is not intimidated by a woman whose mission statement is clear. He will be your best ally, cheerleader and assistant because he wants you both to make it! A man who cannot be supportive of your achievements because he is floundering in a sea of uncertainty over his own life is not a healthy partner to have and to hold forever.

Creating dependencies or feelings of obligation is not the way to get the best out of your man. Somewhere along the way, he will resent you and flee from the smothering burden of obligation he associates you with. You want a man who is firmly anchored in his identity in Christ. Remember, we are looking for a man who will be priest and leader of his home. His first instinct should be to want to cover you, redeem you, and provide for you. Your job is to decide if this is the man God has ordained for you to complement.

9. Complimentary. Do your talents and gifts complement his? Do his gifts, compliment yours? What about your temperaments? Do you see the two of you as an effective team capable of bringing blessing to the lives of those around you? Do your futures mesh? Can you coordinate your gifts in an attractive and effective way?

This is why knowing your purpose is so important. Make sure your hearts beat for mutual causes. When I go shopping I always consider the fabric, the fit and what I already have in my closet. Will my next purchase be a complimentary addition to what I already have? If I find that I am going to have to buy shoes and matching accessories to go with a new outfit, I leave it right on the rack. It is too expensive a proposition .. If the man you meet makes you feel that you need to completely reinvent yourself, something is wrong.

This is where I ask you to consider the relationship in terms of cost. Is this relationship expensive spiritually, emotional or physically? Does your longing for a mate make you willing to forfeit who you are in the process? Or does he see you as the gift that you are? The man in your life should consider you a rare find, a priceless jewel-because of you he is getting ready to get blessed big-time! Any relationship that causes you to feel unworthy, unlovely, unacceptable, undesirable or that you have to work for love, is too expensive!

God has called the man to cover, protect and provide not only materially for a woman, but emotionally and spiritually as well. You should be richer in mind, body and spirit for your union with the man of your dreams. The man in your life should make rich deposits into your heart and spirit, not withdrawals.

10. Does he have a healthy love and acceptance of himself? Make sure the man in your life has taken time to heal from past relationships and has made peace with himself. How he cares for himself is how he will care for you.

A man's relationship with God is crucial here.. His love for himself will only be as strong as his love for God. This is not something that you can impart. You cannot be his savior or teacher. That is out of spiritual order. In his rightful place as your personal priest, he should be leading you to a richer relationship with Christ.

If he is causing you to compromise your faith and destabilize your walk, if he is leading you into sexual sin or causing you to be distracted from your commitment to God, the relationship is too expensive. Offending the Lover of your soul, who promises you eternal love, is too high a fare to pay for a ride that has a limited run . If you and your man can't soar in the Spirit, when the force of your love for another is tested by the pull or gravity of the world, your union will not be able to survive.

So you decide. How much is your life worth? How much is your love worth? You will be able to accept only what you believe you deserve. God himself calculated the worth of your love and decided it was worth His life. He now pledges you His love for eternity. Yes, Jesus sets the example for all others to follow when He paid a ransom for His bride. Should you expect less from a mortal man? Throughout the Biblical age, men were willing to pay the cost for what they truly desired. The truth of the matter is, everyone knows that anything worth having, costs and no one gets a ride in this life for free.

Our prayer:

Dear Heavenly Father,

God I confess that I have not always been as careful as I should've been with my heart. From time to time, my desire for love has caused me to leave my heart in the wrong hands. I now commit my heart into Your hands for safekeeping. Please help me to stop being so impulsive with what you deem so precious. As I learn to celebrate Your love for me, let me learn from Your example what a bridegroom should really be like. Help me to never settle for less than what you desire for me. As I embrace You as the Lover of my soul, keep my affections in the haven of Your own heart. As I rest in Your love, make me more discriminating of those who approach me.

I ask that You take over this area of my life.. Keep me from those You know would hurt my heart. I invite You to set a hedge around me and keep me from all who would draw me into unfruitful relationships until the day you present me to the mate that You have selected for me.. Grant me the discernment to recognize him as he recognizes me. Cleanse me from the temptation to typecast the men I meet according to what I see. Help me to trust in Your knowledge and lean not on my own understanding. I know that You know what is best for me; therefore I yield to Your choice. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Ladies this is something you should definitely share with a friend, whether you are single or married... It is something to think about, When you ask is "He" the one

forwarded by: Michelle Lacbayen

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Its glad to know that in this ever changing world, where all are temporal, there are some few people who remained the same. Those people who will be always be at your side no matter what, will always love and accept you and tells you how beautiful the world is. They are God’s best gift to us, a treasure we will forever keep.

As you celebrate your birthday today, let me tell you how blessed I am to have you as part of our family. You’re one of those few people I truly admired. You’re not just beautiful but such a strong woman. Indeed a woman of character.

As another year added on you, I pray that God continue to shine on you. May His love reflect on you. May you always find happiness deep within your heart. May you continue to spread your wings and follow your dreams. May your joy guide you to many possibilities. And may you have the wisdom to know your path.

Even though others choose a different path from yours, may you have the self assurance to follow your own. May you stay truthful in your walk through life and may God compassion and mercy forever be your guide.

May you always know that we love you deeply and we are extension of God’s grace for your life. May you never doubt your value and your preciousness for You are one of God’s wonderful creation.

Happy birthday TITA LALAINE… We love you from the bottom of our heart.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


These past few days my spirit is low. I’m in emotional turmoil. I’m in a battle. There are some issues in life that the enemy kept on injecting me, putting on negative thoughts and giving me bad feelings toward others, that if I’m not be careful and watchful will ruined down some time tested friendship and will pulled me apart from those people, that I might regret someday.

I tried to kept silent believing that it will pass. That one day I will just woke up that as if nothing happened. I’m afraid to confront that person because I might say words that instead of patching things up, it goes the other way around. Before I used to speak out what is bothering me without thinking first the consequences of my action, but I learned already my lessons the hard way. So better for me to kept silent than to hurt others.

God knows my pain, He knows my struggle and He is comforting me. Yes I’m hurting but His words give me encouragement. His words are my strength. It’s my assurance that though everyone even those people I love will turned their back to me there is still ONE who will never leave me nor forsake me. He will be forever with me. He is faithful.

Friends come and go. We can never forced them to stay. We may give everything to them, our time, our effort, everything that we have, still they will leave us as long as they want. They will find someone better than us. What is important is that we leave them memories, a legacy that will last a lifetime.

As God said in His word “ Trust me in your times of trouble and I will rescue you”. Psalm 50:15. He will be my mighty warrior who will depend me against all attack of enemies. He will rescue me and make sure that I will finish the battle triumphantly.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


In this world where true people are hard to find, it’s a good thing that God created us a family that will be there for us no matter what will happen, a family that will support us in every challenges, every triumphs, every defeat and every victory we have. Who will cheer and cry with us. But family does not only consist of our father, mother, sisters and brothers but also of grandparents, cousins, uncles and especially aunts. They are those people that will be there for us when others turned their back on us. Not all, have the chance or the opportunity to have a complete set of family and I’m glad that I’m one of those blessed.

Today is my AUNTIE BABY’s birthday. We may be on different side of the world now but through this blog I want her to know how much blessed and thankful I am to have her in my life, she’s my second mother, my friend, my confidante.

Now that she’s celebrating another year of God’s goodness and faithfulness in her life there is only one thing that I want her to know..that….. she is dearly and forever be loved.

Tita, on your birthday today I prayed that your light continue to shine and sparkle wherever you go. May you continue to touched somebody’s life with your positive outlook in life. May your sunny smile lights upon every places, every gathering and every occasions that you’re in. You’re truly a special treasure. May the love you have shown to us and to others return to you, multiplied. I wish you the happiest of birthdays and many, many more, so that others have time to appreciate you as much as I do. We love you and you deserve nothing but the best. Have a blessed and fruitful birthday. God bless.

God knew the need for someone. To add humor to our hearts. Someone who would spice. Our lives with laughter and mischief. Someone we could run to. For special comfort and friendship; Someone whose life would. Touch ours in a hundred different ways...So He made Aunts...

Thursday, May 5, 2011


When we said Mother’s day the first thing that will come out in our mind was the figure of this fragile woman whom because of her love for us risked her life just to bring us out here in the world. We showered  her with  gifts like flowers, perfume, card etc , may it be a simple or extra expensive one, just to show how much we care and appreciate her.

Mother’s day is not all about that. Our mother deserves much more than that . She deserves more than any material things here on earth. She deserves our love and affection. Our mother is the backbone of our family. She is the one who’s carry the greatest burden in life and much more in tune to what real life is all about. She thinks about her children day and night, she is the first to give praise to us and cheers with us in times of our achievements and triumphs and the one who comfort us when we are down and broken. She’s one who sense danger before it happens. She’s the one who carried us in her womb for 9 months and faced all the difficulties it brings. She risked her life for us. And until now she carries that burden in her heart.

Mother’s day comes and goes but the memories linger and remain. How many years we have been celebrating this occasion with all the glitz and glamour but after that we have taken her  again for granted. Don’t waste any opportunity to express your love to your mother before it’s too late. Don’t wait for another Mother’s day to say thank you for everything that she had done for you. We only have one mother and we cannot replace her anymore and for anything else.

Here’s my prayer for my mother and to all mothers who have also been a mother to me, that in their simple yet special ways touched my life, to all my friends who are mothers now..CARRY ON you have the greatest profession every girl dreamed of, and to those who have not been given the opportunity to carry their own child but had been one to those who are in need of a mother I really SALUTE you, you have shown an example of what a true mother should be. For being a mother does not depend on how many children you have been born but on how many children you have raised in your heart.

Heavenly Father thank you for this special gift of mother and for the unconditional love that she share with us, her children. Lord today I  pray that You will protect and guide every mother  where ever they are right now. May you grant them Your wisdom in loving and teaching their children. May we always remember the warm caresses, the whispers and lullabies at night. The tears dried, band aids, all the hugs, laughter and kisses. Thank you for our mothers who played with us, taught us, nurtured us, listen to us, tried to understand us and never stop praying for us. Today, Lord may we remember our mother’s beauty when we are young and her loveliness as we get aged. We also prayed for those mothers who have been separated from their children because of distance, death or any other reasons, may they find peace, pleasure and comfort with You. As we honored, commemorate or simply reflect today the life of a woman who raised us, we thank you Lord for the life and for MOM…..

God bless our moms…..

Monday, May 2, 2011


I feel worst today….My ever dearest best friend visits me again and leave me with RED SIGNAL sign WARNING: SICK AGAIN!. With this changing weather , my body is prone with colds and flu, drinking a lot of fluid doesn’t work anymore, what I need now is rest.

During this time that’s when I missed home so much. I miss the comfort it brings me. I miss the way my mother takes care of me. But it doesn’t mean that since am far away from home means am all alone, No because God put some significant people in our life to fill in the space being away from home created. Those people whom we considered family. Who will be there for us not only during the times of joy and happiness but most importantly those times where we are down and walking through the crossroads of life.

God is so good to gives us companions not just the good ones but those who are fearfully and wonderfully made of Him. He gave us those people as His reflection and extension of His love to us. We are blessed and truly will be forever blessed for bringing them into our lives.

We always thank God for all of you, mentioning you in our prayers. (1 Thessalonians 1:2). I may not be able to repay all the kindness you have shown me. But am able to pray for you. I may not be always good to you because I have also my share of flaws and weaknesses but I am always keen in praying for you. You are always included in my prayers and forever be thankful to God for allowing me to share my life to all of you.

Knowing that my short journey here on earth will be more enjoyable and fruitful because I have those significant people that keeps me going and walks with me side by side no matter how smooth or how bumpy the road is.

Gracious Father, you have blessed me in so many ways! Today,
however, I'm especially aware of the many incredible ways you have
blessed me through other people. I want to thank you now for the
following wonderful people you have placed in my life ...
Please guard and strengthen them and use them to bless others as they have blessed me.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


I’m a kind of person whom easily been irritated, even on some little things especially if it didn’t come out the way I want it to be. My siblings oftentimes teased me that I get that attitude from my father (sorry Dy...Love u). Like when the taxi driver didn’t listen to my instruction or if I have been on a queue for a long time and somebody cuts me in. I’m easily flared up and get mad.

But after then I realized that person has done nothing against me, maybe he just having a bad day same with me or something or someone also did irritating things to him.

Scripture says overcome evil with good. In our life when we deal with those who are negative, critical and rude, don’t let them infect you but we can infect them. Act as a thermostat and not a thermometer.

A thermostat changes the room temperature by bringing it up or down. Through God’s control and wisdom , we can also do the same in our everyday situation and to the lives of others around us.

We always meet people who never stop complaining, may it will be about their jobs, the soaring high of basic goods, economic problems, on how people treats them badly and even those problems they have nothing to do with it. Don’t join in and say “Oh you think you have it bad? Let me tell you about my problems!.

When we talk defeat, we draw in defeat. Don’t let them influence you and draw out the worst. We can make the choice and act as thermostat. Yes, we also have problems that going on, all of us do, but we have the spirit of God living inside of us. Our attitude should be” Yes, I have some problems, it is difficult but I know it will soon pass. I may be pressed on right now but I have God who will lift me up.

That’s what being a thermostat. We didn’t let them pull us down but instead pulled them up. Let us stop talking negatively, stop dragging through life with no enthusiasm, let no negative voice influence you. Choose to live life as a thermostat. When we walk into a room, change the atmosphere.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Little girl and her father were crossing a bridge.

The father was kind of scared so he asked his little daughter,

"Sweetheart, please hold my hand so that you don't fall into the river."

The little girl said, "No, Dad. You hold my hand."

"What's the difference?" Asked the puzzled father.

"There's a big difference," replied the little girl.

"If I hold your hand and something happens to me,

Chances are that I may let your hand go.

But if you hold my hand, I know for sure that no matter what happens,

you will never let my hand go."

Same with our Father in heaven, He make sure that  He is the one holding our hand.  He will never let us go. Though there are times we want to pull out our hand in  Him yet still He  will hold us tight.  It His promised that He will never abandon His children throughout their entire lives; He is always with us no matter what we may face as He promised. No matter what are our circumstances right now we are secured in His hand. Whether we are passing now through the waters, He will be with us through the rivers and even through the seas and oceans, they   will never overflow us. When we walk through the fire, we will never be burned nor flame scorches us for He is walking with us. The Lord is good, He is our strong hold in times of troubles, our safe refuge.

Have  a great day walking hand and hand with God.
Nevertheless I am continually with Thee;
Thou hast taken hold of my right hand. Psalm 73:23

Monday, April 18, 2011


As Holy week started today, many people are on “penitence mood” , doing some sort of sacrifices for themselves. Many would refrain from eating meat or from taking a bath on Good Friday with the belief that water is dead. Others tried to imitate Christ by nailing themselves on the cross. Allowing other to spank, yell and doing hurtful things to them. Many thought that by doing those things it will cleansed them from their sins, while others believe that they are sharing with the suffering of Jesus Christ on the cross 2000 years ago. Would they think God is pleased with that?

On the day that Christ uttered His last 7th last word on the cross, He said “It is Finished”. It is His shout of victory, HE won. HE already overcome the enemy. His work of sacrifice is done. We are free and we are saved. We don’t need to do such things just to forgive us from our sins. Just give our life to Jesus. Surrender everything to Him. Allow Him to work in our lives.

Holy Week is not about sacrifices but it is all about fresh start. It doesn’t matter what we’ve done or where we came from. What matters most is that we are new again with Him. Holy Week is all about STARTING OVER AGAIN WITH JESUS.

The greatest note of triumph ever sounded in the ears of a startled universe was that sounded on the Cross of Christ…”It is finished (John 19:30). That is the final word in the redemption of humankind.” Oswald Chamber (1874-1917)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Date a girl who takes photographs.

Date a girl who takes photographs. Date a girl whose favorite sound is the click-click of the shutter as it closes and opens to capture a memory. Date a girl who sees the wonder in the simplest things. Date a girl who looks at the world and wonders how to put a little of herself in it.

You might find her in the park, lost behind her lens, the world a blur around her as she tries to capture a single moment in time. You might find her in an exhibit, a look of concentration on her face as she contemplates a photograph that called out to her as she was passing by. Or maybe you will find her in a bookstore, a book in her lap as she pores over photographs of weddings all the while wondering what hers would look like.

Take her out to photo walks and laugh as she tries to take a picture of you. When she gets tired of walking, buy her cupcakes but wait until she has taken pictures of them before proceeding to eat them. Listen as she tells you her ideas for a photo shoot on the ride home.

Take her to a restaurant and wait patiently as she surveys the menu carefully, appreciating the food photography. And again, wait until she has taken a photo of your food before digging in. Allow her introduce you to Ansel Adams while you both eat your lunch. Introduce her to your favorite musician as you wait for the bill to arrive. When you get home, change your Facebook profile picture into a photograph she took of you. She silently hoped for it.

Take stolen shots of her. Compile it and give it to her on her birthday. Tell her you love her over and over until your voice replaces the click of the shutter as her favorite sound. Kiss her after she lifts her head up from the camera. Give her camera-shaped necklaces. Go places with her.

You will never be bored again.

Date a girl who takes photographs. She will never whine about a little dirt on her favorite pair of jeans as she kneels down to get a better angle of her subject. She will never be afraid to take adventures with you. She will take photographs of you not just with her camera but with her mind as well and keep it to herself to admire at night. But above all, she will teach you how to look at the world with a brand new perspective and she will do that unknowingly.

Marry a girl who takes photographs. Ditch those wedding photography books and give her the most beautiful wedding you could. She will teach your kids to find the beauty in everything just as she had taught you. Every day will be an adventure as she tries to create photograph-worthy memories with you. She may wake you up in the middle of the night because she is buzzing with ideas but she will make it up in the morning with a stack of hot pancakes beside a steaming cup of your favorite coffee blend.

Grow old with a girl who takes photographs. Sit with her on the front porch as you both pore over the bits and pieces of the moments you’ve had together. Stroke her hair as you both relive the photo walks that you took and the places you have been when you were both young. Smile as you both reenact your clever wedding vows.

Date a girl who takes photographs because she will always see that “something” in the most “nothing” of things. She will never let anyone take you away from her like she never lets anyone steal her photos and that is just one of the evidences that she loves you