Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A broken friendship…….

They always say that finding a true friend is like finding a precious gem.  It is for keeps. To be valued. To be appreciated.  To have a shoulder to cry and lean on in times of sorrow, difficulties and testing. To be there to cheer on and celebrate in all triumphs, victories and joy. But what if friends suddenly turned back on you and live a life without you?

There will always come a time when people who have been in your life for years simply no longer have a place. They say it is a passage of time. Over the years people come and go. As fast as the technology changes we  also change, we grow apart and sometimes some of us still opt to  stay, maybe because neither one of us know how to say goodbye. Or just to say we are still friends.

I have layers, like an onion.  The one who knows me best,  have been there with me  through thick and thin.  Just like a precious stone or metals that have to dig the inner core of the earth thousand times just to get it. Have to clean, purifies and works on to see the glimpse of the beauty of it.

I am not a people person.  I don’t have a huge set of friends.  Most of them are just mere acquaintances and common friends. Those who really know me from inside and out are just few. They are limited. And it sad to accept that those limited few, those whom you trusted and cared for will leave you for someone have much more than you.

That's sad, sometimes friends, no matter how much we love them, no matter how much we care for them and will do anything for them, even risking our own lives for them , aren’t meant to be forever they will still find someone better than you. It is hard to accept sometimes. I still cling on.  I want to remember the good times we have since the times we became friends.  I want to remember the person who, at the time in my life was a gift to me.  I want to remember the good qualities when they are harder to see now. I want to hold on the times that we are seemed inseparable. It is hard to let go.  It is hard to accept change when it is no longer for the better.

It's hard to hold on to the friendship that is not working anymore. It is hard to pretend that nothing change, that everything will be back to normal in due course. It is frustrating. Because even though how hard you try to patch things up the brokenness' still there. Even the wound once healed will leave a scar.

But I know and I believe it will be for our best.  Maybe it means this person is drifting out in my life so that someone much better can drift in.  It's hard to accept change yet change is necessary for us to move forward.  

Life goes on, old friends may still be there or leaves you and along the way you will find new friends.  We don’t know what the future might hold.  Only God knows. But what's more important is that you give your best shot, you give it all. No regrets.

Still the memories will lives on, the good times, the fights, the frustration and sweet and sour taste of friendship – all of it. Because without those people, I wouldn’t be the person I am today.  We may not be friends anymore but I wish you well.  Keep in mind you will always be in prayers, and somewhere along the road as our path will meet again I still be grateful that once in my life I have you as my friend. Our friendship may turn sour but what is important are the lessons well learned.