As I watched the rain fall down into the ground, penetrate and watered the dry land, it reminds me of our HEART. Our heart which considered the vast land of our life. As the new year is approaching, have we checked lately the condition of our heart? Is your heart is still a fertile land or it is already a fallow or unused one? Are there any stumps, thorns, weeds, big and immovable rocks that need to be cleard and removed so that God will be able to plant again new seeds?
In just a few days we are about to end the present year and preparing to face new year wherein we will faced with new problems and new joys, God will teach us new lessons and new blessings will be upon us. It is also the time we have to prepare to sow for new seed, it also the time to break up our fallow ground.
The phrase "unplowed ground" or "fallow ground" is the Hebrew noun nîr, "the tillable, untilled, or fallow ground."* It is land that could be productive, but for whatever reason has not been broken up, tilled, plowed, and prepared for planting.
Breaking up our fallow ground is not an easy task, it takes a lot of energy and effort to do it. We may feel once again the pain and all the hurt that we have been through in the past and many memories will be again remembered. We may have already sealed that area in our life and never let anybody enter again. But we need to let God break up those old resentment and heal those hurts. He will pull the plow, but we must direct it toward those hard places in us that we know must be dealt with.
God is our great Vinedresser. If we will let Him break up the additional fallow ground in our life, He will extend and enlarge our fruitfulness.
Looking forward over a New Year is a great time to rededicate the tracts of land that comprise our life and put them under cultivation and nurturing for God. Now is the time to break up these unplowed fields and yield them to His growth. He calls us to this. Then the New Year will be one of the rich blessings.
In just a few days we are about to end the present year and preparing to face new year wherein we will faced with new problems and new joys, God will teach us new lessons and new blessings will be upon us. It is also the time we have to prepare to sow for new seed, it also the time to break up our fallow ground.
The phrase "unplowed ground" or "fallow ground" is the Hebrew noun nîr, "the tillable, untilled, or fallow ground."* It is land that could be productive, but for whatever reason has not been broken up, tilled, plowed, and prepared for planting.
Breaking up our fallow ground is not an easy task, it takes a lot of energy and effort to do it. We may feel once again the pain and all the hurt that we have been through in the past and many memories will be again remembered. We may have already sealed that area in our life and never let anybody enter again. But we need to let God break up those old resentment and heal those hurts. He will pull the plow, but we must direct it toward those hard places in us that we know must be dealt with.
God is our great Vinedresser. If we will let Him break up the additional fallow ground in our life, He will extend and enlarge our fruitfulness.
Looking forward over a New Year is a great time to rededicate the tracts of land that comprise our life and put them under cultivation and nurturing for God. Now is the time to break up these unplowed fields and yield them to His growth. He calls us to this. Then the New Year will be one of the rich blessings.
"Sow for yourselves righteousness,
reap the fruit of unfailing love,
and break up your unplowed ground;
for it is time to seek the Lord,
until he comes
and showers righteousness on you." (Hosea 10:12)
A blessed and fruitful 2011 to all.